One of the simplest ways to use Castile Soap is as a dish wash. It’s a great cleaner and will leave your dishes nice and clean. There are many variations and way in which people make their own dish soap.
These 3 are just our go to so if you add essential oils here or there or you find that a more foaming recipe is what you’re looking for then by all means take some time and experiment! You never know what you’ll stumble across.
#1 – Using Dr. Natural Liquid Castile Soap
1/3 Cup Dr. Natural Baby Mild or Scented Liquid Castile Soap
1 ½ Cups Distilled Water
Pour both into a container and shake! Simple, quick and ready to wash.

#2 – Using Dr. Natural Castile Bar Soap to make Liquid Dish Soap
½ Bar of Dr. Natural Castile Bar Soap Grated
5 Cups of Distilled Water
Bring water to a boil, add in the grated castile bar soap, mix, let cool, pour into container and use!
#3 – Using Dr. Natural Castile Bar Soap
1 Dr. Natural Castile Bar Soap
Place bar soap into a soap sleeve or mitt and use!
Just 3 easy ways to take a more natural approach you an everyday task!